miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Recovering From Laser Eye Surgery

Laser eye surgery is a great way to improve your vision. Many people are going for LASIK procedures and knowing what to expect during recovery is important to them. You should know that while laser eye surgery is not painful and the recovery is easy you still might not get the full benefit from the procedure until several months after your surgery. So, don’t be concerned if your vision isn’t perfect right away and be sure to continue to follow all of your doctors instructions during the LASIK recovery period. Laser eye surgery is quite safe, but you also need to take care of your eyes to minimize any potential complications.
Laser eye surgery recovery is both simple and often quick. That’s one of the big benefits to LASIK surgery, you can continue with your normal life almost immediately. Combining a highly qualified surgeon with the latest LASIK techniques can result in an amazingly fast recovery.
It is the unique surgical process that yields such a short recovery time. Typically laser eye surgery takes just 10-15 minutes using special laser equipment to correct your vision in the interior of the eye. While some vision correction surgery cuts through the sensitive tissues of the eye this is not the case with LASIK. Because the damage is contained and minimal the recovery time is also very short.
Most people will be recovered from laser eye surgery within two days. Even so, usually an additional 2 days of rest are recommended for full recovery. Some people will need to wear a special eye shield during the initial recovery period and any itching or rubbing of the eyes is to be avoided.
After laser eye surgery you may experience several common side effects such as blurry vision, halos, glare, poor night vision and reduced clarity. These problems all recede over time and usually within 3-6 weeks disappear completely. In some cases a follow up surgery could be necessary. Typically all post operative side effects are gone within 6 months. If issue continue beyond this time it’s quite possible that you will have permanent problems.
Most people will find the recovery from laser eye surgery to be both quick and trouble free as long as the instructions of the doctor are followed. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have proper eye care after your LASIK surgery. While some complications may occur these should not be a major concern and in most cases they will go away in time. Recovery from laser eye surgery is short, but the benefits will last a lifetime.

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